About this certificate

This certificate program is free because of the generosity of our Vision Partners

Engage in theological topics that fully explore the hard-to-understand passages in God’s Word, the supernatural and ancient context of the Scriptures, and understanding the Bible as one holistic story with central themes woven throughout. The Certificate of Biblical Studies from AWKNG School of Theology (ASOT) is a stepping-stone to advanced degrees through our partners. Should you wish to further your biblical education, our courses are more affordable than traditional seminary or graduate-level classes. Upon completion of all four courses, you can request your official certificate that you can frame.
Certificate of Biblical Studies Sample Thumbnail

What you'll gain

After completing the four courses, you will possess a strong Biblical foundation that will enable you to lead yourself and your family based on the Word of God, lead Bible studies or small groups, and evangelize and defend the Word of God to others.

  • Confidence in how to understand the Bible in its original context.

  • No more avoiding passages you don’t understand.

  • More understanding of the supernatural realm and how to read the Scriptures in light of it.

  • In-depth and expository teaching.