About this course

This course builds on Dr. Ronn Johnson's Old Testament Orientation course by describing how several key divine council issues (cosmic geography, comparable monotheism, divine rebellions, etc.) find their exciting conclusion in the coming of Christ and the writings of the New Testament. In addition to surveying all the New Testament books, Dr. Johnson will also dive deep into topics such as Paul’s understanding of the Torah, Greco-Roman culture, and transmission of the cannon, which are necessary for understanding the background and theology of the New Testament. At the core, this course explores the answer to the probing question posed by Dr. Heiser in his book "What Does God Want?" We learn he wants a family . . . made possible by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Course objectives

After completing this course, you'll be able to:

  • Recognize important places, dates, events, and names within the New Testament story.

  • Summarize the content and meaning of the books of the New Testament.

  • Identify key terms, ideas, and topics in the current state of New Testament study.

  • Define how individuals properly honored God during the New Testament.

Course outline

    1. About this course

    2. What you'll learn

    3. What you need

    4. Instructor

    1. Pre-work 01

    2. Session 01

    3. Quiz 01

    4. Discussion 01

    1. Pre-work 02

    2. Session 02

    3. Quiz 02

    4. Discussion 02

    1. Pre-work 03

    2. Session 03

    3. Quiz 03

    4. Discussion 03

    1. Pre-work 04

    2. Session 04

    3. Quiz 04

    4. Discussion 04

    1. Pre-work 05

    2. Session 05

    3. Quiz 05

    4. Discussion 05

New Testament Orientation

  • $349.00
  • 8 hours of video content
  • 12 Modules

Additional course details:

  • Difficulty level: 3

    The learning difficulty for this course is 3 out of 5. It is recommended for intermediate students and above.

  • One year access

    You receive access to the course for one year from the date you purchase the course.

  • Certificate of completion

    You automatically receive a certificate of completion once you finish the course.


Dr. Ronn Johnson

Ronn Johnson completed his Ph.D. in Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. His dissertation on the created gods of the Old Testament (“The Old Testament Background for Paul’s Principalities and Powers”) provided him the opportunity to research the divine council worldview of the Hebrew Bible and apply it to New Testament exegesis. Ronn has taught Bible and theology courses at the college level for over 20 years, has pastored two churches in the Minneapolis area for fifteen years, and enjoys hosting study trips to Israel. He and his wife Susan have three married children and five grandchildren. Ronn’s pastimes include working on his personal library and cheering for the Minnesota Vikings.

Pricing options

Choose the payment option that works best for you.

Certificate program

Earn credit towards the Certificate of Biblical Doctrine when you complete this course.

What are students are saying

5 star rating

N.T. Orientation

Diane Yates Leonard

I really enjoyed this survey course by Dr. Johnson. He has a unique perspective perspective that links the stories of the O.T. with the N.T. Highly recommend!

I really enjoyed this survey course by Dr. Johnson. He has a unique perspective perspective that links the stories of the O.T. with the N.T. Highly recommend!

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