About this certificate

This certificate program is free because of the generosity of our Vision Partners

The Certificate of Biblical History from AWKNG School of Theology is designed to engage you in theological topics that fully explore the history of the Bible. Consisting of four courses, you’ll develop a solid understanding of how we got our Bible by diving into the manuscripts, scrolls, and documents that were used to form the Bible we have today. You’ll learn about who the writers were and the social and historical contexts they wrote from. You have one year to complete all four courses and once you do, you can request your official certificate of completion to frame. This certificate program is a stepping-stone to the advanced degrees offered by our partners.

What you'll gain

After completing this certificate program, you will be able to explain:

  • How we got our Bible from the original composition to canonical recognition and transmission of ancient manuscripts to English translations.

  • The writings, doctrines, and practices of the Qumran community as portrayed in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • What are the Targums and why they’re valuable for both ancient Jewish theology and New Testament Christology.

  • The historical, theological, and social environment surrounding the New Testament period (late second temple period), to gain a better foundation for understanding and interpreting the New Testament.