About this course
This course is free because of the generosity of our Vision Partners.
In this course, Dr. Andrew Hollingsworth introduces you to the major contours of the Christian worldview. You’ll learn about introductory issues pertaining to worldviews and the Christian worldview in particular, the major components of the overarching biblical story that informs and unites a Christian worldview, and the major Christian doctrines distilled from said biblical story. You’ll also discover the issues pertaining to Christian praxis, particularly those concerning ethics and worship. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to defend the Christian worldview and how to make a plausible case for the Christian worldview.

Course objectives
In this course, we'll focus on:
What worldviews are and why they matter.
What the structure and major components of the biblical story are.
The major Christian doctrines that the church confesses and believes.
The major aspects of Christian praxis, including ethics and worship.
Course outline
About this course
What you will learn
What you need
Session 01
Pre-work 02
Session 02
Quiz 02
Discussion 02
Pre-work 03
Session 03
Quiz 03
Discussion 03
Pre-work 04
Session 04
Quiz 04
Discussion 04
Pre-work 05
Session 05
Quiz 05
Discussion 05

The Christian Worldview
- Free
- 8 hours of video content
- 14 Modules
Course material
For this course, you’ll need to purchase these books:
- Bartholomew, Craig G. and Michael W. Goheen, The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story, Baker Academic (ISBN: 978-0801049569.
- Lewis, C. S., Mere Christianity, Harper One (ISBN: 978-0-06-065292-0).

Dr. Andrew Hollingsworth
Dr. Andrew Hollingsworth is Assistant Professor of Theology and Christian Philosophy at Temple Baptist Theological Seminary of Brewton-Parker College. He teaches courses in theology, philosophy, and Christian studies at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is the author of God in the Labyrinth: A Semiotic Approach to Christian Theology (Wipf&Stock, 2019), editor of and contributor to Theology for the Future: The Enduring Promise of Wolfhart Pannenberg (Fortress Academic, 2021), and co-editor with R. T. Mullins of The Incarnation: Four Views (Cascade, forthcoming). His research has appeared in Faith and Philosophy: The Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, The Journal of Analytic Theology, TheoLogica: An International Journal of Philosophical Theology and Philosophy of Religion, Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, Philosophia Christi: The Journal of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Irish Theological Quarterly, The Global Anglican, and other research journals of theology and philosophy. When he is not teaching or researching, Dr. Hollingsworth loves spending time with his wife, Katie, and their beautiful and wonderful son, William. He also enjoys teaching Sunday School at Mandeville’s First Baptist Church, where he teaches the same content that he teaches in his college courses.