About this course

This course is free because of the generosity of our Vision Partners.

In this course, Dr. Michael Heiser will guide you in learning to read and write Biblical Hebrew. Aligning with chapters 1 through 10 of Mark Furtado’s "Beginning Biblical Hebrew,” this self-paced, self-directed course will allow you to engage with the language through readings, practice exercises, and practice exams. Drawing on his original MEMRA language courses, Dr. Heiser offers chapter overviews, grammatical and pronunciation tips, as well as feedback on the practice exercises. This course is one of four designed for beginners learning Hebrew for the first time.

Course objectives

In this course, we'll focuses on:

  • Recognizing and pronouncing the Hebrew alphabet (consonants and vowels).

  • Understanding nouns, adjectives, prepositions, and pronouns.

  • Learning about the Qal perfect verb root/stem.

  • Reading and pronouncing 90 Hebrew words.

Course outline

    1. About This Course

    2. Course Objectives

    3. Course Material

    4. Instructor

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. The Hebrew Alphabet: Consonants

    4. The Hebrew Alphabet: Final Consonant Forms and Daghesh

    5. Practice Exercises

    6. Additional Resources

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. Hebrew Vowels

    4. Vocabulary

    5. Practice Exercises

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. Grammar Notes

    4. Vocabulary

    5. Practice Exercises

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. Grammar Notes

    4. Vocabulary

    5. Practice Exercises

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. Grammar Notes

    4. Vocabulary

    5. Practice Exercises

Hebrew 101

  • Free
  • 3 hours of video content
  • 10 Chapters

Additional course details:

  • Difficulty level: 3

    The learning difficulty for this course is 3 out of 5. It is recommended for intermediate students and above.

  • Unlimited access

    You receive unlimited access to the course once you enroll.

  • Certificate of completion

    You automatically receive a certificate of completion once you finish the course.


Dr. Michael S. Heiser

Dr. Michael S. Heiser (who prefered to be called Mike) was a scholar of the Bible and its ancient context. He earned master’s degrees in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania and Hebrew Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has a Ph.D. in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before teaching at AWKNG School of Theology, Dr. Heiser taught at the university level for over 20 years and was the Academic Editor and Scholar for Logos Bible Software for 15 years. He supervised scholarly data projects related to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew and Semitic inscriptions, the Septuagint, and the Greek Pseudepigrapha. Dr. Heiser is published widely in scholarly academic journals, including the Bible Study Magazine, and authored several portions of the Faithlife Study Bible.